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Trainings/presentations: Over the years, I have provided numerous short and long term trainings, break out session and conference presentations. Most of the topics were developed from within the three domains outlined on my About Page.

Others were specifically constructed for the agency or organizational needs. These are called Topical Trainings. Many were two hour presentations while others were two all-day affairs. The focus on specific needs, skills, and concerns of the agency made the translation and adoption of the information and skills easier to grasp and accept and more relevant to the participants. Each training topic uses the best research, promising models, and synthesis of actual practices and agency cultural domains within the organization.  Below are some of the topics.


                                                                Co-Occurring Disorders

  1. Physical Illness that manifest as psychiatric issues

  2. Integrating Assessment into a contextual analysis

  3. Diagnosis and Treatment Planning for Dual Diagnosis

  4. Co-Occurring Disorders in Children and Adolescents (multi sections)

  5. Working with Complex Clients: Contextual Therapy

  6. CCISC model and Longitudinal Assessment

  7. Becoming Dual Diagnosis Capable and Enhanced

  8. Stages of Change and Dual Diagnosis, Integration and Application



  1. Trauma across the life span

  2. Developmental Trauma

  3. Trauma 101, a primer for professionals

  4. Trauma in Juvenile Justice and Child Protective Services

  5. ACEs: the foundations and impact

  6. Survey of Evidence Based Trauma Interventions

  7. Trauma Informed Care and Therapeutic Use of Self

  8. Institutional Abuse: recognition and remedy


                                       Implementation and Deliberate (Deliberative) Practice

  1. Planning and Executing an Organizational Transformation Plan

  2. Dealing with Multi-Stakeholder factors in Collaborative Initiatives

  3. The stages and activities on guiding implementation of evidence based practices

  4. Development of internal change agents: Selection, Training, and Duties

  5. How to get better: What do I work on?

  6. Getting meaningful feedback and applying it to personal and organizational work

  7. Supervision and the process of effectiveness over efficiency

  8. Facing Failures: embracing the lessons and mitigating the effects

  9. Engaging the Client differently


                                                                                  General Topics

  1. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome ( I was on two FASD diagnostic teams in Alaska, trained at U. of Washington)

  2. Trauma Brain Injury and Behavioral Manifestations (was part of the TBI network and presented at Statewide conferences)

  3. Trauma Brain Injury: clinically important considerations for mental health workers

  4. Family Therapy in Co-Occurring Disorders

  5. ASAM, Using ASAM for program efficiency and clinical effectiveness

  6. Self-Injurious Behaviors: Underlying Mechanisms, Assessment and Interventions

  7. HIPAA and 42, CFR part 2 compliance and risk management

  8. Ethics and Ethical Behaviors: Origins, Applications, and Practice

  9. Application of Motivational Interviewing across populations and settings

  10. Crisis response and working with hostile Clients

  11. Documentation for clarity, compliance, and payment

  12. Many others!!!  Just Ask

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